Monday, November 22, 2010

'Six Thirty' by Araki Akira

Oh, this one's sneaky. False alibis,  forged documents, even some pathetic self delusion at the end there. Will all the lies and deception catch up to them? Probably not, no. Am I completely misrepresenting the story? A bit...

'Ninja sex' applies, though they're mostly in private. Sneaky.
'Fags' tag; dude smokes. I don't want to put down any homosexuals or anyone else into the gay stuff, that's stuff's fine. But sucking off one of these disgusting things ('cig-urts')? Eeew.

Megaporn, Mediafire, Deadfrog

So, I'm feeling much better now. Still got some important stuff to do, don't think I'll be starting the next Anipyu! until next week. Hopefully by then I'll have shit under control and get it done in a reasonable amount of time. Hopefully.

Now I'll go bitch about cigarettes, you don't gotta read that.
Edit: Yeah, that got pretty lame. Sorry. Probably best no one read that.

I fucking hate cigarettes, always have. When I was a kid this 'not hot boxing while children were present' fad hadn't quite caught on yet. I'm no health nut, nor a judgmental prick. I don't hate smokers. I'm sure there was a perfectly good reason you chose to pick up an expensive, smelly, addictive habit with a reputation for leading to a slow painful death and I'm sure that all the popular kids in high school honestly though you were cool for doing so (okay, that's pretty judgmental prick but I'm getting to my point). I certainly wasn't always pissy to the degree that a cartoon smoking would personally offend me.

A very special person came into my life. This person is the worst human being I have ever encountered (I know I've been lucky to not encounter anyone truly evil, but even if someone murdered my entire family and then fed them to dogs they likely wouldn't be so annoying), and embodies all the worst characteristics of a smoker (and a few other things I'll try to avoid mentioning). Big rattling coughs all over whatever happens to be around. Wheezing laboured breathing audible two rooms away. This person does stomp outside to smoke, every half hour, but drags back in so much smoke I question the point. Fuck, no cigarette you have ever encountered smells as bad as those coming out of this person. Mentioned I've always hated cigarettes, but this person has somehow managed to ruin them for me.

If you are a smoker, be considerate. Try your best to quit, but for your own sake. Kids, don't ever start (and btw, wtf? Gtfo. Go jerk off to a Sears catolouge or shit, geez).
Just try not to be a disgusting slob in general. If people have to hold their breath and walk sideways to pass you in a hallway, take note. Never divulge uncomfortable and graphic personal details to people trying their best not to hate you. You're not five, that voice is not cute. No, I don't want a microwaved hot dog. Tuck in your fucking shirt. Arglblarglarghhh...

You know, looking back this outburst had little to do with cigarettes at all. I don't hate smokers; most I get along with fine. Some I rather like. There are a few I love. Just not romantically; if I'm spending any time in your mouth there are fucken standards.


  1. I sound like such an asshole. I'd never bitch about someone like that if you knew who I was talking about.

  2. Just wondering, whats up with the files zat-119.jpg and zat-120.jpg in the archive, are did you just accidentally include them or is there some significance to their presence that I just don't realize? And why are there parts from other pages on them?

  3. Those are the pages I started with. The pages I put into the story are patched up with pages from the German translation. Left the originals in... for some reason, I dunno.

  4. Okay, I haven't read the story yet, but I HAVE to say, I LOVE THAT RANT!

    I had it bad my 3rd year in college: a hippie (I'm not being judgmental...his friggin' hair looked like hemp dreadlocks) lived in the apartment a few doors down. EVEN THOUGH HE WAS SMOKING POT ALL THE DAMN TIME IN HIS ROOM, he still went OUTSIDE to smoke cigarettes. I should mention that the apartment complex was an open square one with all the rooms opening inward. AND HE LEFT HIS DOOR OPEN WITH MUSIC BLARING!! In other words, he went outside to smoke, but still wanted to hear his goddamn music.

    The part that REALLY doesn't make sense is this: our apartments had balconies!

    Of course, that really isn't about him being a smoker, but still, THANK YOU! People who hate smokers, unite!!!

  5. Well, they are passing laws against smoking cigarettes indoors. Never hear anything about pot.

    And the rant really isn't about smokers; cigarettes just happen to be my trigger. You make this guy sound like quite an inconsiderate jackass. If he never touched tobacco or pot odds are he'd still be pissing you off.

    Music is another problem with my special person. Bad enough when it's warbley shit country music left blaring no matter how many people turn it down/off, when it's music I like it's fucking heartbreaking.
