Sunday, June 12, 2011

'Petit Devil' by Yui Haga (Content!)

Here's a quick one that took a very long time. Totally worth it?
Only a brief four pages, not much sex to fit in there but there are some hands doing stuff where they're not supposed to be.

I took the unorthodox measure of including the raw files in the release, they're not even a meg in size so I don't think you'll mind. Just don't get your hopes up when you see nine files, the story is only four.
Serious, if I went too hard on it or fucked something up let me know. All I can see now is what I didn't do...

Megaporn, Mediafire, Deadfrog

I wasn't planning to, but on impulse I started watching that Astarotte's Toy. Rather like it. So far for the most part it's much more innocent and cutesy than the premise, and the lengthy bathing scene that sets up said premise, had led me to believe. Also good holy fuck her mom's hot.

Do you, like me, primarily know Yui Haga from his dirty dirty Nippon Ichi fan works? If so read more for something freaky (good freaky).

Yeah, that is Takehito Harada of Disgaea fame doing Yui Haga. Fucked up man, fucked up, lol.


  1. she's actually a womans

  2. Yui Haga? Mangaupdates said 'male', though I wouldn't be surprised. I usually try to avoid gender-specific pronouns unless I've actually seen an artist draw themselves one was or another, lol. Was thoughtlessly hungry last night.

    If you mean the girl in the story, absolutely, she is a fine womans.

  3. Good news we have a new release Yay!, Bad news that means an other 3 months till an other release boo..

  4. @Anon,
    Oh, it couldn't be that long. There are two collaborative projects that should be finishing soon.

    There is this...

  5. Sweet!, which ones are they? is it in the same order that you have in the translation edit page or random pick? I've been waiting like death for the Sakurabufu nel work but eh. Don't over work yourself editor-san.

  6. Hayama's working on the second 'Cross Sister' chapter, and Altereggo's putting the finishing touches on Higashiyama Shou's 'Addiction'.

    I'm not working on that 'Mama' story just now, but it is pretty high on my list.

  7. yeeeeey i got a thank you on a translated loli doujin, now i'm part of the history lol

    and i'v never realised this was the person behind the omocha series, i have to dig more of his/her stuff

  8. That was a big help; not quite as much as I'd hoped but certainly more than I expected. And I never once suspected counterfeit pages.


  10. Well, the weight of digital information is negligible, so I can say with confidence that it will be.

    Second chapter of Cross Sister is in QC now, I don't know how long that usually takes. I'm trying to get a re-edit of the first chapter done soon but shit be so slow.
    I'm not sure how much there is left to do on Addiction because I don't really have anything to do with that one, but it is so crazy good.

  11. You may as well just declare yourselves dead and stop instilling false hope in the fappers. I've had you guys bookmarked for fucking ages, and came to expect slow releases, but now, this? Fuck it. This bookmark is just eating up valuable space.

  12. Yeah, an RSS thing would be better at this point.

    I just got the final draft for 'Addiction'; apparently that'll be published Wednesday. Therefore about time to give up and post that Nekogen I've been sitting on. Have another look at that tonight, post tomorrow I guess.

  13. The links are dead, but the file can be found here.


      Forgot to include link. Derp.
