Monday, May 3, 2010

'Imouto Sitter' by Nekogen (two chapters!)

Was this first part edited by guy who's username I'm still not sure I should use? The second part, I know he did. I'm a moron, his name is on there, I guess I only checked the first chapter. Congratulations, Dreamofashore! You have a name!

Anyhow. This poor bastard has a burden forced upon him. Two of 'em. Then he gets in the bath and things get complicated in that fantastic porn way.
Just when he thinks he's in the clear, bam! Chapter two. Will his suffering never end? I dunno, I think it's just the two chapters.

This, along with approximately half of all Japan's porn, is incest flavour. : ( What can you do? I choose ignorance; they're his adopted and/or step sisters. Obviously.

Megporn, Mediafire


    I have been waiting for someone to take this book for a fucking LONG time
    Receive my regards

  2. Actually... I believe someone commissioned Sayo to do it years ago.
    We've been plagued by this, I'm scared to count how often we've done or almost done (or just Uglicus's done) something someone else did. In this case, it was never publicly released so no big deal there.

    Story is pretty hot.

  3. Ohshit, did I delete that comment somehow?

    Anonymous said:
    I have been waiting for someone to take this book for a fucking LONG time
    Receive my regards '

    I said:
    'lol we sux'

  4. Imouto Sitter largely inspired my translations (the story more than the book of the same name that it is from). Things just progressed from there, I guess.
