Wednesday, May 26, 2010

!Now Decensored! 'My Horny Neighbor' by Hidiri Rei (though, only chapter one)

Fuck yeah!

This is probably my favorite story on the site, and easily the one I hate the most. I did it, then I went through again adjusting the fonts. Then after chapter two was done, I un-adjusted the fonts and the stupid contrast. Starting the blog, I swore to try to to fix the awful jpeg artifacts. A few weeks later it's done.
Not all the artifacts are gone, and there was a bit of damage to the original image, but I do believe it looks much much better.

Story, just look at that pic. Guy plays video games with his hot, bespectacled neighbour. What more do you need? There is some more to be seen.  Then there is a second chapter that multiplies the hotness coming when I can manage.

Megaupload, Mediafire, no you don't want the older ones. Edit:More true than ever now. Decensored real nice by Oliver.

Sample the madness after the jump.

You can tell me all about super quick easy ways to fix dirty jpegs now.
Comparison shots: (Contrast shots?):

Zoom right in there, look at it from just the right angle, then switch back and forth really really fast and tell me I'm not wasting my life. Please.

...and that text up there, I don't know why it won't go back to normal size. I never set it to large...


  1. Pst, you might want to know that part two is already translated:

    Admittedly, many translators release their work even if somebody beats them to the spot, it's still hard work that you've put a lot of time and effort into after all.

  2. BTW, UGLIBLAWG mangaupdates page:
    (and I've already submitted "My Horny Neighbor" as Erosuke ch.1)

    Not all of those releases have proper database entries, but it's still a pretty nifty thing to have.

    I do hope that someone more diligent than I takes up updating your releases on mangaupdates as I usually check for hentai releases only once a fortnight (this week was a rare exception).

  3. Correction, part two is already translated twice.
    We did both months ago, I'm just making them look less shitty now (I hope). It was only already translated once back then.

    I was just coming back (from sleep) to add the source, thank you for saving me from looking it up. I meant to include the cover and stuff as well... next time. Meant to do some more figuring out of those 'metal tags', too. It was very late when I put this up, and it is now later still. Guess I'll familiarize myself with mangaupdates at some point...

  4. Thanks for that info about your penis on the last page, guy.

  5. You're very much welcome. He doesn't come up (huhuh) on those pages near as much as you'd think... He'll get a mention probably in the one coming up.

  6. Hello there, thanks a lot for your several releases ^^

    I'm not a loli fan so I'll skip the loli ones, but the rest is damn good :D

    I made up my mind to place a link to your blog on my website despite my disapproval of loli (to avoid internet emo flamewars, here's the required clarification : you like it and I don't care because to each his own tastes, but I don't like it so I keep it away from my website, end of the long story), I hope that will bring more people to discover you guys :)

    I also have a little goodie for you, if you're interested, I decensored this one.
    I'm a Gimp user but, as a way to train to learn to use Photoshop, I'm decensoring more stuff than usual. I would have made better with the Gimp - and faster - but I think the decensored version is still worth sharing.
    There you are :

    Once again, thanks for your work, and keep on with the non-loli releases ! ;)


  7. Thanks for the translation!

  8. Boobs are great too & decensored version is win
    Thank you guys, can't wait for your ch2 version.

  9. Oliver: You shame me. I made a brief attempt at that, quickly lost interest. Was thinking today I couldn't learn Photoshop if I tried. Gimp's cooler anyhow.

    Loli is a prickly issue. I don't want to start as much as a discussion... so no. I have softened on it over the years, they're drawings, fantasy, open to interpretation, etc... everyone's heard that all before.

    Some of the loli-tagged stuff isn't too loli; these Kanou Soukyuu stories, the next chapter of this. Huge tits in Lucky Play, the cover lies. It is a nebulous issue, as well. I'd recommend at least checking out the posts; I'm not trying to sway you but you might find something you like. You will certainly like the next chapter of Horny Neighbour (pretty sure).

    Aninymous: If you really can't wait, you can find the torrent of the ugly old one. No idea when I'll finish cleaning it.

    And lastly Laster: I gotta reply to you too now, even if it's just 'you're welcome'. Well, technically I didn't contribute anything to the actual translation... so I guess I can't even say that. I like your name. Interneting is fun.

  10. @ Editor : didn't you say you wouldn't discuss loli ? :D

    BTW, I just placed a link to your homepage on my website, watch the stats counter going up ;)
    (hopefully, you should get one or two more thanks, the interweb being the interweb -_-)

    About photoshop : I'm also a Gimp user, very at ease with the Gimp, quite enough to use it as a production tool in my company and also used to decensor hentai mangas with it.

    But I must reckon photoshop is superior for people knowing how to use it : quadrichromy for professional purposes, but also much better and more beautiful texts management, better handling of selection zones... Not even mentioning Content Aware, their new killer app. It doesn't remove censorship by magic, but wisely used, it can divide by half the time some usual retouches would take me.

    I thought I'd try learning photoshop again (years ago, I gave up, and discovered the Gimp was totally intuitive in comparison), sent the zillions guides to the abyss, and like for the Gimp, decided to learn by experiencing.
    It's starting to be interesting, so, maybe, Editor, you should try again on the occasion ? :)

  11. Yeah, perhaps. I am struggling with some text things...
    That would be the way to do it, to just do it. I just shut down reading manuals and guides and shit. Getting in there and screwing around is far more educational; though I could have done without all the screwing around I did on this comic. Some of that content aware stuff is mind boggling. In more ways than one.
    Though how much time do I want to spend learning a new program? Time that could be spent hammering away with the Gimp or watching more funny videos on youtube. Most of the stuff I do doesn't need more than a few graphical tweaks (if any) and not to put down your contribution but the censoring doesn't bother me so much anymore.

    But if I do want to do that, I should do so as soon as possible. Maybe I can learn to decensor and shit crazy fast... Thinking time could be better spent editing, too...

  12. So, now, we have chapt.1-2(next) and 9 of ERO SUKE translated.
    But before of chapt.1, there are two fullcolor shorts^^
    Btw thanks a lot to the great team ugliblawg/Oliver.
    ROCK ON^^
